All Fire Dance

Renegade Fire Dance Dagger
Renegade Fire Dance Dagger
Cirkao contact poi 100mm
Cirkao contact poi 100mm
contact poi
Pearly Contact Poi Colored Leash 100mm
fire juggling torch
Renegade Juggling Torch
contact poi balls
Things on String contact poi 101mm
contact poi balls
Things on String contact poi 95mm
poi balls
Pearly Contact Poi, Technora/Kevlar Leash 100mm
break down travel hoop purple
Collapsible Hula Hoops (Three Worlds)
poi balls
Contact Poi 80mm, 90mm, 100mm
 Fire Hula Hoops
Gora Collapsible Fire Hula Hoops
dancing hoops
Play Perfect Hoop Naked 16mm and 20mm
fire dancing equipment
Gora Folding Fire Fans
Twister Fire Fan Set
Twister Fire Fan Set
Twister Fire Fan DIY Kit
Twister Fire Fan DIY Kit
fan dance fan
Fire Fan Star Set
make your own fire fan
Fire Fan Star DIY Kit
fire dancing flower stick
Gora Fire Flowerstick
fire dancing stick
Play 7075 Fire Flowerstick
flower stick for fire
Threeworlds Fire Flowerstick
Fire Devil Stick
Fire Devil Stick
fire dance flower design
Fire Fan Flower Set
fire dancing wand
Gora Fire Eating Wand
make your own fire fan
Fire Fan Flower DIY Kit
Sunray Fire Fan set
Sunray Fire Fan set
fire dance fan
Sunray Fire Fan black set
Fire Fan Black or Red Sunrise Round Grip DIY Kit
Fire Fan Black or Red Sunrise Round Grip DIY Kit
Fire Fan Red or Black Sunrise two finger grip DIY Kit
Fire Fan Red or Black Sunrise two finger grip DIY Kit
Fire dance Fan
Fire Fan Arc Round Grip
make your own fire fan
Fire Fan Arc Round Grip DIY Kit
fire hand torch
Fire Wands
Fire Eating and Transfer Wands for dancing
Fire Eating and Transfer Wands
club swinging
Renegade Swinging Torch Set
fire dancing fan
Fire Fan Spider Web Set
wick your own fire fan
Fire Fan Spider Web DIY Kit
small fire fan
Fire Fan Small Flower
Fire dance fan
Fire Fan Twisted Rope Flower
juggling handsticks
Hand Sticks Fiberglass/Silicone
Blaze Balls (2.5, 3, 3.5, 4 inch) Cathedral and Rolled Wicks Heads
Blaze Balls (2.5, 3, 3.5, 4 inch) Cathedral and Rolled Wicks Heads
colorful hand stick
Radfactor Hand Sticks Carbon Silicone Thick (49cm)
contact fire dance stick
Gora Breakdown Contact Fire Staff
high quality juggling hand sticks
Radfactor Hand Sticks Carbon Silicone Thin (49cm)
Breakdown Contact Fire Staff
threeeworlds Breakdown Contact Fire Staff
led contact staff
threeeworlds Breakdown Contact LED Staff
thick hand sticks juggling
Radfactor Hand Sticks Carbon Silicone Thick (51cm)
hand sticks carbon rod
Radfactor Hand Sticks Carbon Silicone Thin (51cm)
fire dancing fan
Lotus and Tulip Fans
Fire performance staff
Gora Acrobatic Contact Staff
gora fire swords
Gora Magnetic Fire Sword/Staff
Renegade Fire Dance Sword
Renegade Fire Dance Sword
Renegade Lycopodium Powder, Lyco-Sword
Renegade Lycopodium Powder, Lyco-Sword
Lycopodium Powder, Swinger or short Cane
Renegade Lycopodium Powder, Swinging Torch or Short Cane
fiberglass juggling hand stick
Radfactor Hand Sticks Fiberglass Silicone Thick (49cm)
juggling hand stick
Radfactor Hand Sticks Fiberglass Silicone Thin (49cm)
new fire fan wick
Kaos, Poison and Venom Fan Replacement Wick
long juggling hand sticks
Radfactor Hand Sticks Fiberglass Silicone Thick (51cm)
juggling hand sticks
Radfactor Hand Sticks Fiberglass Silicone Thin (51 cm)
fire jugging torch
Renegade Fire Dance Torch
Fire Chain Poi
Fire Chain Poi
Fire Jump-Rope
Fire Jump-Rope
touchers for acrobatics
Gora Body Torch Set
palm candles
Hand Candle Set
hand candles
Palm Candles (pair)
Palm Lighter (pair)
Reneagde Palm Lighter (pair)
fire fly
Renegade Floating Fire Illusion
wooden juggling hand sticks
Radfactor Hand Sticks Wood Silicone Thick (49cm)
juggling fire hoop
Blazing Star Fire Hand Hoop
Fire Nunchucks
Gora Fire Nunchucks
fire poi
Play Fire Chain Poi
wood hand sticks for juggling
Radfactor Hand Sticks Wood Silicone Thin (49cm)
wood hand sticks for juggling
Radfactor Hand Sticks Wood Silicone Thick (51cm)
LED Poi Balls
Lumi Pro Rechargeable LED Poi
Fire Baton
Fire Baton
light up poi balls
LED Poi Balls - Battery and Rechargeable
fire swinging chains
Play Fire Chain Poi Round Knob
glowing poi ball tops
LED Poi Ball Heads
juggling handsticks
Radfactor Hand Sticks Wood Silicone Thin (51cm)
Fire Cable Poi
Fire Cable Poi
play glow poi ball
LED Poi Balls-PLAY (set)
Fire Devil Stick
Fire Devil Stick
Fabric Fan
Fabric Fan Poi
colorful poi
Ribbon Poi
teaching poi
Scarves Poi
Safety Glasses
Safety Glasses
Contact Juggling Part 1 and Part 2 DVD
Contact Juggling Part 1 and Part 2 DVD
fire hoop wick ends
Fire Hoop Instant Wicks (Three Worlds)
light up staff
learn poi
Renegade Flag Poi
fire torch and staff
Gora Magnetic SwingingTorch/Staff
fire dancing dress
Gora Fire Wings
Renegade Meteor Ball
fire spinning performance
Fire Snakes
Poi Spinning by Michal Kahn and Welcome to the World of Poi by Klaus Scheuermann
Poi Spinning by Michal Kahn and Welcome to the World of Poi by Klaus Scheuermann
glow staff curved
S-Staff LED
Fire Fan Evolution DVD
Fire Fan Evolution DVD
Dance Hoop
Dance Hoop
beginner poi
Weight Edge Flag Poi
double fire spinning staff
Double Fire Staff Four Inch Wicks (pair)
double fire spinning staff
Double Fire Staff Two Inch Wicks (pair)
Renegade Juggling Fire Staff
Renegade Juggling Fire Staff
fire dance lash
Gora Fire Whips 1.5 meter
fire cross gora
Gora Chaos Fire Devil Stick
Fire Meteor
Fire Meteor
gora magnetic cross
Gora Magnetic Pendulum, Fire X Staff
Fire Eating by Benjamin Garth
Fire Eating by Benjamin Garth
rope dart and levi stick
Gora Fire Boomerang Staff
Gora Fire LeviStick
Full length LeviStick
Gora Full Length Fire LeviStick
fire dart tricks
Renegade Fire Rope Dart
 Practice LeviStick
Threeworlds Practice LeviStick
fire lamp
Gora Stage Lamp
Hoop Moves, Isolations
Hoop Moves, Isolations
LED silicone contact poi knob
LED silicone contact poi knob
silicone contact poi knob (10 MM hole)
silicone contact poi knob (10 MM hole)
Silicone contact poi knob (6mm hole)
Silicone contact poi knob (6mm hole)
Hoopgirl Hoopdance for Beginners
Hoopgirl Hoopdance for Beginners
Bull Whips five and six foot
Bull Whips five and six foot
Bull Whips five foot and six foot shot loaded
Bull Whips five foot and six foot shot loaded
fire dance hat
Gora Fire Top Hat
Partner Poi
Partner Poi
whip cracking
Target Whip five and six foot shot loaded
kangaroo whip
Kangaroo Bull Whip five and six foot shot loaded
Poi Spinning, Focus on Transitions
Poi Spinning, Focus on Transitions
fire queen
Gora Fire Crown
Poi Loop grip with swivel
Poi Loop grip with swivel
fire dancing equipment
Gora Folding Fire Umbrella
dragon staff carbon fiber
Fusion Dragon Break Down Carbon Fiber (threeworlds)
led dragon staff heads
Lumi LED Dragon Heads (threeworlds)
Poi Technique
Poi Technique
dragon staff wick spoke
V3 Fire Dragon Staff Fire Spokes (threeworlds)
Poi Groove Basics
Poi Groove Basics
Spiral Claws with/without Staff Adapter Kit (threeworlds)
Spiral Claws with/without Staff Adapter Kit (threeworlds)
V3 Fire Dragon Staff Adapter Kit
V3 Fire Dragon Staff Adapter Kit (Three Worlds)
fire sword contact
Gora Contact Sword (counter weighted)
Gora Dragon Staff Removable Spins
Gora Dragon Staff Removable Spins
Poi Spinning Basics with Peles Element
Poi Spinning Basics with Pele's Element
Gora Practice Contact Staff (fixed or breakdown)
Gora Practice Contact Staff (fixed or breakdown)
Breakdown LED Staff/Baton
Lumi Pro Rechargable LED Staff
led dragon staff
LED Dragon Staff Break Down (threeworlds)
Scales of Poi
Scales of Poi
fire art sticks
Gora Contact Fire Staff
Reneagde Thai Fire Staff
Reneagde Thai Fire Staff
fire staff multiple sizes
Aluminum Fire Staff 3-6 feet
 Fire Staff Eight Inch Wicks
Aluminum Fire Staff Eight Inch Wicks
fire safety
Fire Retardant Cloth
grip tape for fire props
Staff Grip Tape
carrying bag
Gora Fire Prop Bags
Staff Groove Basics DVD
Staff Groove Basics DVD
Fire All Stars
Fire All Stars
Contact Staff DVD
Contact Staff DVD
Fusion Ultra Hub Fire Dragon Adapter Kit (Three Worlds)
Fusion Ultra Hub Fire Dragon Adapter Kit (Three Worlds)
Silicone poi ball knobs with swivel
Silicone poi ball knobs with swivel
Swivels with split rings (size 8 bearing swivel)
Swivels with split rings (size 8 bearing swivel)
Meteor Instruction Book
Meteor Instruction Book
spiral claw for v3 dragon staff adapter
Spiral Claw (Three Worlds)
Swivels with welded rings (size 8 bearing swivel)
Swivels with welded rings (size 8 bearing swivel)

Fire Dance and Flow Arts

Fire juggling, fire manipulation, and fire dancing are some of the most innovative performance arts that have evolved over the last 10 years. Its popularity and development can be tied to the Burning Man Festival, which started to be a larger event in 1997. By around 2005, we started to see large growth in fire performers and many new types of fire props, like contact staffs, dragon staffs, fire darts, fire whips, fire snakes, fire hoops and a variety of other fire performance props.

The advent of flow arts is a subsequent offshoot of fire dancing and performances. More isolation and symmetrical manipulation evolved using props like buugeng, contact poi, contact staffs, hoops and 8 rings, where the prop is mostly manipulated, and not thrown, with your hands or on your body. Most of these movements are based on club swinging, (Indian club swinging circa 1800-1900) which have been adapted to other shapes and often combined with isolating a given prop.

Modern hooping is a good example of a flow arts form, that blends traditional hula hooping with club swinging moves, acrobatics, juggling, hoop rolling, isolation and dance.

Renegade offers a full range of fire and flow arts props, with many of our juggling products also crossing over into this category of flow arts.

