Renegade Fire Dance Dagger

Catalog Number:Ftorches:TORDAGGERS

Renegade Fire Dance Dagger Renegade fire dagger with a big flame. The 100% kevlar tube wicking has a lenght of 11.25 inches.  The silicone circle protects ...Read More

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Renegade Fire Dance Dagger

Renegade fire dagger with a big flame. The 100% kevlar tube wicking has a lenght of 11.25 inches. 

The silicone circle protects your hands. The handles are ergonomic with a soft wrap. This dagger can

used as a juggling torch but it is pretty heavy for a juggling prop.

The weight 265g, length 23 inches.

Use lamp oil or barbecue oil.

Do not use white gas or gasoline

Do not keep the swords pointed downward, Do not light them many times without letting cool.

torch weight 265
length 23 inches, cm
wick length 11.25 inches, cm
wick diameter 1 inch, cm
burn time 4-5 minutes with lamp oil as fuel

Juggling Torch Care and Maintenance

Renegade Juggling torches are designed to feel just
like your clubs in both weight and handling.
All the tricks possible with clubs should transfer
over easily to your Renegade torches. In order to
keep your torches in good condition
it is very important that you follow
our recommended instructions for proper use and safety.


There are many types fuels that can be
used on the torches. The best to use in
regards to safety and getting the maximum
life span out of your torches is lamp oil
(kerosene, paraffin or charcoal lighter).
This type of fuel is not explosively volatile
like white gas (Coleman Fuel, camp stove
fuel), and it burns at a much lower temperature.
Many jugglers prefer white gas, as it
produces a brighter flame, and lights very
quickly. It is much more dangerous than
lamp oil and reduces the life span of your

Equipment Use and Techniques

You can either dip the torches in a
container of fuel or squirt on the fuel, (a
plastic charcoal lighter fluid bottle works
good). After applying the fuel be sure to
shake out any excess fuel from your torch
wicks before lighting them. If you do not,
the torches will spray little fire droplets off
the wicks as you juggle them. Shaking off
the excess fuel, is also important, so that the
fuel does not run down the metal sleeve and
onto the rubber gasket.
The rubber gasket in not fire proof and
must be kept away from prolonged contact
with the flames from the wick head or
another torch. Fire may come into contact
with this rubber gasket when a torch is held
in a downward orientation or when several
torches are held in one hand. If the rubber
gasket gets too hot it can melt or in extreme
cases catch on fire. If this happens blow out
the torch and let it cool before re-lighting it.
Always hold your torches upright, when not
juggling. Never leave the torch on the
ground while burning.
Do not install more than the recommended
amount of wick on the torch as this
will produce too much heat and melt or burn
the rubber torch gasket. You will increase
the life span of the wick if you always extinguish
the torch before the flame dies out.
This is because you will burn the wick
material after all the fuel is used up. Let
your torches cool off for several minutes
before refuelling and lighting again.


Obviously this is where a lot of common
sense plays in. The surface you are
juggling on should not be flammable, (dry
grass, carpet or such). You should not be
wearing highly flammable costumes or
loose polyester clothing that can easily
catch on fire. The best clothing to wear is
tight fitting 100% thick cotton or leather.
Pay particular attention to what you do
with your fuel container after you have
fueled up your torches. Never leave fuel
containers open, a dropped torch can knock
over the container and start a fire. Always
store your fuel in an appropriate container,
which is made for fuel storage.
Always have a spotter watching you
juggling fire who is paying attention and is
ready to respond to an accidental fire. They
should have a damp 100% cotton towel (fire
blanket) on hand to put out any small fires
that might occur. This damp towel is also a
good way to put out the torches if the flame
is too large to blow out. It is prudent to
rehearse safety routines and to have a code
word like ?STOP? in case the person is on
fire themselves so that the spotter can reach
the performer without getting hit by a juggling
torch. When performing swinging
torches you should also have a CO2 fire
extinguisher on hand in case of fire.
Inspect your juggling torches regularly
for any signs of wear or failure. Do not use
fire equipment that looks damaged or is in
poor repair.

Replacement wicks

Replacement wicks and other repair
parts may be purchase directly from our
website at You
will need 18 inches of 2" X 1/8" for each
torch. Remove the old wicks by cutting the
staple in half with wire cutter and remove
each leg of the staple. Tape the leading edge
of the new wick on to the torch dowel and
then tightly wrap the wick around the torch,
folding over the last half inch to making a
finished end. Temporarily tape the wick
with electrical tape to hold it while you
attach it with (2) 1 1/4 inch sheet rock
screws. You can request screws with your
replacement wick or buy this type of screw
at any hardware store. Predrill a 3/32 hole
through the folded wick edge and into the
club dowel. Screw into this pilot hole and
fully tighten so the screw head is below the
surface of the wick. Any exposed metal on
the surface of the wick will become hot and
can burn you if you catch the wrong end of
the juggling torch.

Storage and Transportation

Torches should be stored in a preferably
air tight metal container or tool box.
The torch wick may contain unburned fuel
that remains flammable. Stored torches
should not be able to come in contact with
sparks. Many commercial airlines will no
longer allow torches in checked bags that
have residue fuel on them and it is possible
that they will not be allowed on the plane.

by Brook S. on 08/04/23

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