All School and Circus Props

Silicone Clown Noses
Silicone Clown Noses
Play Handstand Blocks
Play Handstand Blocks
Hand Balance Rotating Cane (spinning cane)
Hand Balance Rotating Cane (spinning cane)
Hand Balance Cane Replacment Blocks
Hand Balance Cane Replacment Blocks
Hand Balance Canes and Sockets Parts
Hand Balance Canes and Sockets Parts
colorful juggling scarves
Juggling Scarf 23 Inch Square
colored spinning plates
Renegade Plastic Spinning Plate
Hand Balance Cane and Socket Kit
Hand Balance Cane and Socket Kit
colorful spin plates
Play Plastic Spinning Plate
patterned spinning plates
Henrys Plastic Spinning Plate
Play Gerris Universal Hand Balance Platform
Play Gerris Universal Hand Balance Platform
instructional flowerstick
Teaching Flowerstick
flower stick
spinning plate
Traction Spinning Plate Large (Windbraker)
small windbreaker plate
Traction Spinning Plate Small (Windbreaker)
spinning plate hand stick
Henrys Wood Spinning Plate Stick
Cirkao Rola Bola (made in France)
Cirkao Rola Bola (made in France)
Play Hand Balance Board
Play Hand Balance Board
flower power juggling stick
Play Power Flowerstick
juggling clubs for teaching
Play Px3 School Clubs (special offer)
Play Rola Bola
Play Rola Bola
Spinning Cloth
Spinning Cloth
Swinging and Flying Pole
Swinging and Flying Pole
Play Aerial Hoop
Play Aerial Hoop
5 ring juggling
Play Fluor Flat Ring 32cm
play juggling pin
Play Prima One-Piece Club
Play Aerial Silk
Play Aerial Silk
colored shaker cups
Plastic Shaker Cup
Play Aerial Silk Hook
Play Aerial Silk Hook
ball catcher
Ring Kendama Red
Fire performance staff
Gora Acrobatic Contact Staff
yo-yo toys
Hernys Yo-Yo Tiger Snake, Lizard, Cobra
Cirkao Snowboard Binding Stilts
Cirkao Snowboard Binding Stilts
Life in a Clown House
Life in a Clown House
teaching juggling ball
Renegade Teaching Vinyl Beanbag (65mm, 115 grams)
beginner juggling ball
Instructional 4 panel Cotton Beanbag (64mm, 94 grams)
Instructional Triangle Beanbag (65mm, 67 grams)
Instructional Triangle Beanbag (65mm, 67 grams)
Fabric Fan
Fabric Fan Poi
colorful poi
Ribbon Poi
teaching poi
Scarves Poi
learn poi
Renegade Flag Poi
chiildrens diabolo
Play Comet Diabolo
beginner poi
Weight Edge Flag Poi
Silicone contact poi knob (6mm hole)
Silicone contact poi knob (6mm hole)
Poi Loop grip with swivel
Poi Loop grip with swivel
blue white beanbag
12 Panel Teaching Beanbag (70mm, 135 grams)
juggling ball faux leather
12 Panel Synthetic Leather Ball (62mm, 80 grams)
juggling ball faux leather
12 Panel Synthetic Leather Ball (65mm, 100 grams)
Silicone poi ball knobs with swivel
Silicone poi ball knobs with swivel
Swivels with split rings (size 8 bearing swivel)
Swivels with split rings (size 8 bearing swivel)
Swivels with welded rings (size 8 bearing swivel)
Swivels with welded rings (size 8 bearing swivel)

All Circus, School Circus Props and Aerial Arts

Summer Circus Camps, Juggling Physical Education, Aerial Arts, Clowning and Performance Arts have grown over the least years to include many kinds of juggling and circus equipment products. This category of our website shows the most popular products for these types of class or events.

Many of the products, spinning plates, juggling balls, clubs and rings are sold with quantity pricing for teachers or teaching institutions. We select these product for high durability and good value.
