Play Aerial Silk Hook
Catalog Number:PASH
Play Aerial Silk Hook
The Play Jugging Aerial Silk Hook has a unique design, utilizing a weld-free construction. This hook is designed to reduce silk wear and increase strength by having the silk tied around a 50 mm diameter aluminum tube. The tube with its large radius spread the weight load on the material over a wider section of fabric. This is a superior design over a standard flat figure eight style of Tissu Hook.
This Tissue rigging is made from a aluminum tube that has a hard anodized coating, the hook bar is made from stainless steel. Both these material will not mark or dis-color the silk, like some other types of uncoated aluminum Tissue Hooks. Having the silk hook designed without any welds make for a easy safety inspection of the Aerial Fabric Hook. The finished knot using this rig has a very elegant professional look.
The photo shows how to tie the silk to the hook, you need to follow this technique very carefully, making a mistake in following these instructions could be fatal. This hook is made for fabric that is 150cm (60 inches) wide, a wider or very thick fabric may not fit this hook.
weight grams
tube diamentions
hook total height
made in Italy