Mastering Devilstick Part 1

Chris Dore Devil Mastering the Devil Stick (part one)

Catalog Number:Books:MD1

Chris Dore Devil Mastering the Devil Stick (part one)

Mastering Devilstick (Instuctional Devil Stick Book) Chris Dore has introduced countless people to devilstick over many years. "Mastering Devilstick" started out as a set of workshop note...Read More

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Mastering Devilstick (Instuctional Devil Stick Book)

Chris Dore has introduced countless people to devilstick over many years. "Mastering Devilstick" started out as a set of workshop notes to respond to their requests for more information and practice guides. After being repeatedly tested by devilstick practitioners at all levels, those notes wher refined and expanded into what is now  a practical guide to mastering the devilstick - the most absorbing of pastimes.

This first volume covers the basics of getting started and fundamentals such as multi-spins, body moves and properllers. But it doesn't stop there- as Chris gove on to cover the more complex techinques necessary to claim true devilstick mastery.

The book is a paper back 5.75" x 8.25" with 80 pages and 121 illustrations

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