Henrys Raw Cigar Box
Henrys cigar boxes are made in Germany and currently are the best wood cigar box sold. The boxes come in several styles, all made using the same box base. The only difference is how they are decorated.
These cigar boxes are perfectly square and are made with thicker end dove tail glued plywood and have an internal reinforced center panel.
This box modle has raw wood with no felt ends or trim tape. For this box it can be painted or covered with adhesive backed decorations. It is best to buy the adhesive ends, as using gluing on leather ends are more slippery than the ones Hernys uses on the boxes.
The cigar box takes a beating especially when learning. The most damage comes from dropping the boxes on the ground, i.e. wood or concert flooring. It is best to practice over a bed, couch or tumbling matt, so they land on a soft suface. When juggling the box if you miss a tick, do not try to trap the box in the middle, always catch the box it on the ends. If you are about to miss a trick just let it fall on the soft surface at try again, do not attempt a save by smashing the boxes together.
size 4 3/4 x 7 1/8 x 2 3/8 inches
weight 250-280 grams ( approx)
birch wood
made in Germany
by Daryl P. on 02/04/23
LOL! These are my very first purchased cigar boxes! They're smaller than I thought they'd be,but I'll make them work. They look and feel great! Thanks!
by Ivan Skinfill on 01/28/24
by W. Hooper on 03/05/25